Flow Metrics Resources

Flow Metrics can be used to help better forecast your sprints and give you greater confidence in your estimates. Below are some of the resources you can use to help get you started
Learning everyday about engineering management, leadership & self improvement
Flow Metrics can be used to help better forecast your sprints and give you greater confidence in your estimates. Below are some of the resources you can use to help get you started
Being a manager or leader, you often have a lot more information than other individual contributors on the team. That information often involves a lot of politics and "noise". The consensus
Ever since reading Turn the Ship Around by David Marquet, I have always been a big advocate for pushing authority to where the information is. However, one of the pre-requisites of this is
Quite a while ago I came across Adrienne Lowe's Talk about Career Conversations. I have this tendency to wonder what other people are struggling with, even though we very seldom show
Let's rewind to the COVID era, a time of uncertainty about our lives and future. On a sunny day, dressed smartly, I entered the office of a new client to lead
A look at some conversation ideas that you can use in your next 1:1 session
Now that the world is experiencing massive changes due to COVID, let's jump back into the basics of having effective 1:1s with your team
Handling team conflict involves more than facilitating a conversation. It requires you to listen and acknowledge them!
Improving the relationships with your client, or boss, can be hard but by managing and coaching up, things can be made better
Team guidelines are used to define what is acceptable in the team. Done properly, it can save a lot of headaches and get the team to operate smoothly.
I have always been an advocate for having 1:1 sessions with each of your team members, but lately I felt that there was something missing, a group 1:1
A look at some questions you can ask in your initial 1:1 sessions to discover and understand more about your team members